Centenary Mass of the Knights of St Columba 10 January 2025
News story: https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/news/centenary-mass-celebrations-in-coventry
Photographs: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBXJk9
Coventry Christmas Crib Dedication and Carol Service 2024 https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/news/coventry-christmas-crib-dedication-and-carol-service-2024
Photographs from Induction of Fr Des Devenney as Parish Priest at Our Lady of the Assumption. 6.30pm Tuesday 7 May 2024 https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBpq9B
Stand with Ukraine Coventry Cathedral Saturday 24 February 2024 link
Mass for the Deceased clergy of the Coventry and Nuneaton Deanery. 14 November 2023 link
St Thomas More Church holds Quarant’ore 5-8 October 2023 link
Easter Monday Mass St Osburg’s https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/news/easter-monday-mass-st-osburgs-coventry
Blessing of the Coventry Crib. 4pm 27 November 2022 Broadgate. News story link
2022 Deanery Mass for Deceased clergy 7.00pm on Tuesday November 8th. Newstory link.
List of Deceased Priests of the Coventry & Nuneaton Deanery
The Coventry and Nuneaton Deanery Visitation opening meeting was at Christ the King at 7pm on Tuesday 27th September. An evening prayer led by the Archbishop and Canon Paul Fitzpatrick. News article link. Photos to https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjA8UW6 YouTube recording: https://youtu.be/ZaeY_4IWHE0 About the deanery link
Returning to Mass at Pentecost – Sunday 5th June link
University Hospital Chaplaincy Lay Volunteers. If you are able to offer some of your time to help the chaplaincy team of University Hospital, and particularly Father Sunday, the Catholic chaplain, by visiting patients on a regular basis please contact Fr Sunday at Evaristus.Sunday@uhcw.nhs.uk
Diocesan response to The Synod completed April 2022 link
Archbishop Bernard’s 2022 Easter Message https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/news/archbishop-bernards-easter-message2022
Pastoral letter of the Most Reverend Bernard Longley Archbishop of Birmingham, for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary time, 26/27 February 2022 link.
Details of Easter week services the Coventry and Nuneaton Catholic Deanery link Last updated 11 April due to Covid at Our Lady of the Assumption.
1 April – Holy Hours for Ukraine in Coventry Deanery link
Listen to Fr Stephen Fawcett talking about the Synod link
Blessing of the Christmas Crib. Sunday 28th November (the First Sunday of Advent). Video recording: https://youtu.be/_Ji853POy3Y Photogrpaphs https://flic.kr/s/aHsmXbkUtD
The Sower Advent Edition 2021 link
Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Bernard Longley: The Synodal Pathway 16th October 2021. Watch https://youtu.be/wFcOEPiyyMA Listen link Read 211015 pastoralletter-twenty-ninthsundayinordinarytime(16-17october2021)
Entering Stage Four of the Roadmap. From 19 July 2021, we enter Step 4 of the Government’s COVID-19 Response Roadmap link.
Archdiocese of Birmingham: Ethnic Chaplaincies, Eparchies and Missions. The Annual Intercultural Mass and Social gathering was on Saturday 16th October at 12:30pm – St Osburg’s Church, Upper Hill Street, Coventry CV1 4AQ. Photographs from the Annual Diocesean Intercultural Mass on Saturday 16 October 12:30pm: at St Osburg’s Church are now available at: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWWACGN Video available at https://youtu.be/0lHrV4ZZxZU
The Coventry Circle of the Newman Association is part of the Newman Association and our members are drawn mainly from Catholic parishes in Coventry, Warwickshire and Rugby. The national Association, founded in 1942, is inspired by Saint John Henry Newman and seeks to promote greater understanding of our Catholic faith in the contemporary world. The Circle has approaching 50 members. Each year we organise a series of talks with speakers on a theme related to theology, scripture, spirituality, pastoral life, Catholic culture and history, ecumenism or interfaith dialogue. We also strive to deepen our faith through Circle Masses, an annual Retreat, a reading group, ecumenical outreach and social activities. Below is the link to programme of lectures from September 2021 to May 2022. All are delivered on zoom at 7.30pm. In the future, as we emerge from the pandemic, it is envisaged that more of our talks will be delivered in a hybrid form, with some meeting in a physical venue and others zooming in. Coventry Newman Circle.
Coventry City of Culture present ‘Faith’:
Photographs from the Faith weekend Celebrations;
Day: Open House and City Voices https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWB1Gmx
Night:Festival of Light https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWBxaEL
A Vision for Our Archdiocese: Archbishop Bernard Longley 12/13 June link
Photographs from the Chrism Mass St Chad’s 31st March 2021 link
Margaret Keenan was given the follow-up vaccine at University Hospital in Coventry earlier – three weeks after the first 29th December 2020 link. The first person to be given a Covid jab as part of the mass vaccination programme being rolled out across the UK and who is also a parishioner of Sacred Heart! link
Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter Sunday 26-27 December link
Message to Clergy and Parishioners from Archbishop Bernard Longley 5th December 2020. link
Blessing of the Coventry Crib – 29th November 2020
Faith at home link
Vatican News 17/11/2020: Si Chun Lam, one of the participants in the Economy of Francis, in his parish church of Sacred Heart in Coventry, speaks of the work of the young economists, entrepreneurs and change makers in the weeks and months leading up to the Economy of Francesco event. link
Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate of Dominic Kerr, Dirk Hermans & John Garvey. St Chad’s, Sunday 1st November 2020. Photos link.
Two New Auxiliary Bishops for the Diocese. The Episcopal Ordination Mass for Bishops David Evans and Stephen Wright took place on Friday 8th October at noon in St Chad’s Cathedral, on the Feast of St John Henry Newman. This may well be the first time that two bishops have been ordained together in St Chad’s Cathedral. Full story at link. Photos link.
Deacons Sean Gough and Benedict Skipper were ordained priests in the cathedral on Sunday 20th September at 3.00pm. Photos link.
Deacons Clive Dytor and Alex Taylor were ordained priests on Saturday 12th September in St Chad’s Cathedral. Photographs can be found at Photis link.
St John Fisher are now (8th September) livestreaming to Youtube at https://youtu.be/Jj9T9vxuNjQ. Watch a welcome video from Fr Des Devenney https://youtu.be/OzKxEKPVKOs. Recent photos of St John Fisher and Fr Des Devenney https://flic.kr/s/aHsmQDtJif
Details of Mass Times in Coventry Deanery from 11/12 July link
Listen to Canon Tom Farrell explain about the reopening of Catholic Churches in Coventry BBC CWR 5th July 2020 7.20am
Coventry Deanery Church opening times for private prayer link
25th April 2020 – Letter of his holiness Pope Francis to the Faithful for the Month of May 2020 link
2nd May 2020 – A Message from the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England and Wales A People who Hope in Christ
3rd May 2020 -Pastoral Letter of the Most Reverend Bernard Longley Archbishop of Birmingham for the Fourth Sunday of Easter-I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full
The God Who Speaks Weekly Meditations by Fr Dries Van den Akker S.J on the Paintings of St Matthews Gospel by Peter Clare. link
A Digital Holy Week? Fr John Waters https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/blog/a-digital-holy-week and https://www.thetablet.co.uk/blogs/1/1420/a-digital-holy-week-
The Rededication of England as Mary’s Dowry link
In 1381, England was dedicated to Mary by King Richard II and was ‘set apart for her among the nations. This year, the Christians of England are called to make a personal dedication to Mary, taking up her example as Christ’s first disciple. History shows us that when the people pray a surrender to God’s will for their lives, society is transformed. By taking up this personal dedication in 2020, you can be a part of the renewal of this nation, drawing ourselves closer to the will of our loving God, through Mary.
Coming up:
Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage at St Chads 9th May link 1, 16th May link2
Liturgical Celebrations this Year:
Palm Sunday: 5 April
Easter Day: 12 April
Ascension Day: Thursday 21 May
Pentecost: 31 May
Corpus Christi: 14 June
News archive: link
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr Bob Wright, priest of St John Fisher Coventry and the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Recording of Funeral Mass link
Going into hospital? The Catholic chaplain at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire in Walsgrave (and at St. Cross Hospital in Rugby) is Father Evaristus Sunday. Messages for Fr. Sunday can be left on 024 7696 7515. In an emergency contact the hospital switchboard on 024 7696 4000 (open 24 hours) and ask for the chaplain. There is always a Catholic chaplain on call. It’s important to let the hospital nursing staff know at the time of admission that you (or your relative) are a Catholic and would like the Catholic chaplain to visit you while you’re there.
Photographs from the Rite of Election 1st March link
We offer prayers and congratulations to Canon David Evans and Canon Stephen Wright on their appointments as our two new Auxiliary Bishops. Link
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr Bob Wright, priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Fr Bob died on Thursday 5 March. Robert Joseph Wright was born in 1951 and ordained on 15 January 1977.He served in the following ministries: Bicester: 1977 – 1981, Nuneaton: 1981 – 1984, Redditch: 1984 – 1988, West Indian Chaplaincy 1988 – 1995. St John Fisher, Coventry 1995 – present. Fr Bob was a very pastoral, gentle priest who will be greatly missed. We pray for Fr Bob’s family, fellow clergy and the parishioners he served over the years. May he rest in peace. Amen. More photos at: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmLrQXzB
Tributes paid to Father Bob – ‘inspiring’ Coventry priest who served the city for 43 years CoventryLive.
Coventry Marriage Care – Volunteers needed: Could it be you? Marriage Care is a Catholic organisation providing marriage preparation and relationship counselling services through 50 centres across England and Wales. The Coventry Centre is seeking Marriage Preparation Course Facilitators to present and facilitate marriage preparation courses to small groups of engaged couples. The centre is also looking for Qualified Counsellors. Additionally we need Receptionists for counselling, and a Head of Centre to lead and support our team of facilitators, counsellors and receptionist. Marriage Care will provide all the training needed for the role, and you’ll be volunteering with like-minded people. For more information please visit: http://www.marriagecare.org.uk or email volunteer@marriagecare.org.uk.
Congratulations to all the children from St Osburg’s school who were Confirmed on Wednesday 29th January by Bishop Kenney. Photographs are available at flic.kr/s/aHsmL5bwWk
Christmas Mass Times and details of Penance services in Coventry link
The O’ Antiphons link
The Sower. The Advent edition of the Archdiocese of Birmingham’s publication is now available online and in parishes from Thursday 21 November link
2019 General Election Statement and Bishops’ Plenary The Catholic Bishops’ of England and Wales have issued a statement on the forthcoming General Election having returned from their November 2019 Plenary meeting in Leeds. Friday 29th November. link
Induction of Parish Priests:
Thursday 5th December at 7.00pm – Fr Paul Burch at All Souls on Thursday 5th December.
We wish them every blessing in their new appointments.
1st of December Coventry Winter Night Shelter (CWNS). The shelter opens on 1st of December, so we are now looking for volunteers to help us. There is an information and training session for new volunteers on Wednesday 9th October, 7-9pm, at The Welcome Centre, 47 Parks ide, CV1 2HG, and further training for all volunteers on the Thursday 17th October, at the same place and time. There is a catch-up information and training session on Thursday 14th November too. Everybody is welcome; no need to register. please contact Helen: cwnshelen@hopecoventry.org.uk.
1st December 4pm – Blessing of the Crib in Coventry City Centre. Photos online at: link
Saturday 16th November 10.30am . 10 Years of supporting Christians in the Holy Land on Saturday 16th November 10.30 am in The Cathedral Church of Saint Michael, Coventry there will be an ecumenical service in attendance will be His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols. More details and registration for the event can be found on our website – www.friendsoftheholyland.org.uk
Tuesday 12th November 7pm. Photographs from the Mass for the Deceased Clergy for the Coventry Deanery on 12th November at 7pm at St.Anne’s link. List of Deceased Clergy of the Coventry Deanery link
Sunday, 20th October 3.00 pm, Coventry Intercultural Mass, at St. John Fisher Church (CV2 3DL). It will be followed by refreshments and a taste of different cultural foods in the Parish Centre.
Archdiocese of Birmingham GDPR resources link
Catholic Students at Coventry University: there is Holy Mass every Tuesday in the Faith and Spirituality Centre (Hub) 3rd Floor at 1:10pm. Fr. Jimmy the chaplain is available everyday for prayer and for any discussion. You can contact him on 07906124756, or email him at lutwajim@yahoo.com
Catholic students at the University of Warwick: there is Holy Mass in the Chaplaincy each Sunday (12.30) and also on Thursdays and Fridays (12.15). There is also Morning Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament at St. Joseph’s, Cannon Park, at 7.30 every Thursday morning, followed by breakfast, and Evening Chapel (prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and supper) at St. Joseph’s each Friday, 6.00pm. Fr. Harry, the Catholic Chaplain, can be contacted at 02476 419111 or h.a.curtis@warwick.ac.uk. For further details see www.sjtwcoventry.org.uk.
Sunday 13th October. Blessed John Henry Newman to be canonised on Sunday 13th October link. More Information can be found at www.newmancanonisation.com
Friday 4th October. Blessed John Henry Newman Novena starting Friday 4th October link
Sunday October 6th 11.30am. Coventry University Students. Welcoming New Students to our Parish. Please note that on Sunday October 6th we shall officially welcome new students to our parish during the 11;30am Mass. I Invite Old Catholic students to let new students know about this and help them to find where this church is. There will be light refreshments served to students after Mas in the parish hall
Sunday 6th October 2019 at 3.00pm Blessing of Animals for the Feast of st Francis. We celebrate the Feast of St Francis, the Patron Saint of Animals, on 4th October. To mark this feast there will be a special service at St Patrick’s Church, Deedmore Road, CV2 2AA for the blessing of our pets. Please come along and bring your all your pets big and small on Sunday 6th October 2019 at 3.00pm. The service will be very child friendly so bring the younger members of the family in particular.
6th October at 3.00pm. Blessing of the Graves concludes with St Paul’s – 6th October at 3.00pm
On Sunday 29th September the Coventry Ordinariate moved from St Joseph the Worker to All Souls where Father Paul Burch will be Parish Priest.
A new priest in our deanery! Fr Sebastian Namattathil has been appointed Parish Priest for St John Vianney and Our Lady of the Assumption parishes. He will reside at St. John Vianney Presbytery.
Fr Sunday at St Osburg’s has been appointed as the new Hospital Chaplain to UHCW.
Friday 13 September 8pm at St john Fisher, Tiverton Road, CV2 3NR . The Knights of St Columba based in Coventry are holding a quiz night to raise funds for the Knights work (ksc.org.uk). Come and support the Knights work for the church and submit a team from your parish. A good Knight will be guaranteed. For more information please contact Peter Sturgeon 07565966103 Ptsturg@aol.com @KSCCoventry93
Use of Social Media – general interest paper by Con McHugh 15th July 2019 link
Archdiocese of Birmingham Sower Magazine. The August edition is now available online to read at link and paper copies are available in church’s throughout the archdiocese.
Sunday 1st September 2019. Annual Harvington Pilgrimage link
Multicultural Mass of the African Day – Sunday 11th August 2019. News story link. Photos available at: link A recording of the Mass is available at: https://www.mcnmedia.tv/recordings/1432.
Fr John Waters was Ordained a Priest at St Chad’s Cathedral on Saturday 20th July. He celebrated his first mass at All Souls Church on Sunday, 21st July at 11.15am. Photographs from his first mass are now available at link.
Eleven New Deacons. Oscott college 29th June 2019. News link Photos link
50th Anniversary Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes at Hednesford 7th July 2019. News story link Photos link
Mgr Louis McRaye RIP. Aged 104 . Former Warwick University Chaplain:link
A Year for Priests 2018-2019. On the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart 2018, there began a year of thanksgiving, prayer and celebration for the priests of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. A Priests Prayer link
Dowry Pilgrimage of the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham 20 June: link
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) published its report on the Archdiocese of Birmingham, as a case study of the Roman Catholic Church on Thursday 20th June. link
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham 11 May link
Easter Monday Mass is traditionally held at St. Osburg’s. Bishop William Kenney will Celebrate the Eucharist along with the priests of the deanery. There will be no morning Masses in the parishes on that day, but the priests will come together with their parishioners to celebrate that Mass at 10.00am on Easter Monday to continue celebrating Easter together as Christians of this city.
Archbishop Longley’s Pastoral letter 6/7th April link Audio Recording:
Pray the Rosary with Our Lady of Coventry Every Friday at 1:40pm in Lent, in May and in October at ‘Our Lady of Coventry’ statue in Priory Gardens, near Holy Trinity Church, Broadgate. This tradition was started by St. Thomas More Justice & Peace Group in 2003. Poster link
Annual St Patrick’s Day Mass: The Annual Mass in honour of St Patrick will be on Thursday 14th March at 8pm at St Mary and St Benedict’s Church.
The 3 Hail Mary’s Play – written by Tommy Marren (Co. Sligo) Thursday 14th & Friday 15th March @ 7.30pm, South & City College, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5SU. For ticket information please contact: John Fitzgerald 0121 622 3763
Fr Tom Walton officially takes up residence at St John Vianney Presbytery and the post of Parish Priest for both Our Lady of the Assumption and St John Vianney on Monday 4th March. His First Mass at St John Vianney will be at 9.30am on Monday 4th March. His first Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption will be at 12.10pm on Monday 4th March.
Photographs from the Mass of Thanksgiving for 60th Anniversary of Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood of Rt Rev Philip Pargeter. St Mary’s College, Oscott. Saturday 23rd February 2019. link
Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage. His Grace, Archbishop Bernard, celebrated Thanksgiving Mass for Marriage on Sunday 3rd February, 11am at St Chad’s Cathedral. Photos link Archdiocese news story link
Saturday 9th February. Altar Servers Mass 2019 link
The Chapel of Unity, Coventry Cathedral invite you to the annual service for Christian Unity on Saturday 19th January at 1pm. Speaker: Revd Dr Gabrielle Thomas. Everyone Welcome. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2019. “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue” Deuteronomy 16:18-20. 2019 poster Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2019
Christmas Service of Nine Lessons & Carols The traditional Ordinariate Christmas Carol Service will be on Sunday 30th December at 6.30pm. I hope we will be present in good number to celebrate the birth of Christ in this beautiful way. Please extend a warm invitation to family and friends who may not otherwise be in church this Christmas. St Joseph the Worker.
Details of Christmas Mass Times and Sacrament of Reconciliation in Coventry: link.
4th Rotary Festival of Christmas Tress Holy Trinity Church, Broadgate, Coventry. Following the success of the first three festivals, something magical is happening again with an amazing display of Christmas trees adorning the historic Holy Trinity Church, Broadgate, commencing Wednesday 12th December until Sunday 30th December 2018. More information pdf Booking form pdf
The Blessing of the Coventry Crib. This year it took place on Sunday 2nd December at 4.00 pm in the Precinct. Photos link
Advent Vigil: 1st – 2nd December 2018. On the night of Saturday, 1st December, the eve of Advent, there will be an all-night vigil (8.00pm – 8.00am) in St. Joseph’s Church – a night of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament to help prepare us for the great season of Advent. During the night we shall pray the Divine Office of the Church and read the Gospel according to St. Luke (the Gospel we shall be hearing on Sundays in the coming year). Anyone is welcome to come for as little or as much of the night as you want. The hall kitchen will be available for refreshments.
The Syro Malabar Cardinal, George Alencherry Sacred Heart on Monday, 26th November at 5.15pm. This was of interest to the Keralan community. All are very welcome. Link to photos: https://flic.kr/s/aHskJHaLu2
Growth and Renewal in the Catholic Faith. As part of a series of evening meetings at St. Joseph the Worker about aspects of the Catholic Faith, Fr. John Udris will be giving a talk about Gaudete et Exsultate: Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation on the Call to Holiness in Today’s World. In the parish hall, 7.00-8.00pm, Wednesday, 21st November. All welcome. Come and explore your Faith a bit deeper.
Archbishop Bernard’s Pastoral Letter 3/4 November available as text or audio: link Archdiocese Safeguarding link
Mass for Deceased Coventry Priests: The annual Mass for deceased clergy of the Coventry Deanery was celebrated at Precious Blood and All Souls Church on Tuesday 13th November at 7pm. Photographs can be found here. A complete list of Deceased Coventry Priests can be found here
Local War Memoril Plaques Held in St Elizabeths: St. Elizabeth’s Church inherited the ‘Local War Heroes Memorials’ from the nearby Vauxhall club [which was earmarked for conversion into flats])in April 2016. This was deemed most appropriate as the Parish held one of its very earliest masses there on 27th November 1912 in what was called a “Commodious” room situated in the then called ‘Highfield Street’ between 1914-18. Some 139 club members served in the Forces including Parishioners. Ten of them made the ultimate sacrifice: W. Boswell; A. Checkley; W. Crawford; J. Frost; F. Furnival; Fr. Greening; J. McDermott; I. Rhodes; A. Taylor and J. Webb/ “We shall not forget them”. Between 1939 and 1945 a further 109 members served in the conflict. To all the fallen – their names will live forever – let us play our part in remembering them.
Coventry Winter Night Shelter. The Winter Night Shelter is preparing to open again this year. There is a training evening for those who have worked at the Night Shelter before, on Monday 29th October at 7pm, at the Welcome Centre, 47 Parkside, CV1 2HG. Why not think of helping! More information link
Changes in the Deanery 14 October 2018 Fr. Louis from Our Lady of the Assumption and Fr. Jonathan from St. John Vianney have now moved to their new appointments in Dudley and Acocks Green
Welcome Mass at St. Mary & Benedict Church: for Coventry University students who have newly joined the University, will be on Sunday 28th October 2018 at 11.30am followed by a cup of tea/coffee in the parish hall for all. We invite all the students to be present for the Holy Mass.
Eucharistic Ministers: St Joseph the Worker have the following events a Training Day for new Eucharistic Ministers. St. Joseph’s hall and church, 11.00-3.30, Saturday 27th October. No charge. Light refreshments provided, but bring a packed lunch if you want something more substantial. They are also having Day of Recollection for all Eucharistic Ministers. St. Joseph’s hall and church, 11.00-3.30, Saturday 24th November. No charge. Light refreshments provided, but bring a packed lunch if you want something more substantial.
St Elizabeth’s Creation day Mass. Sunday 16 September 2018. On Sunday 16 September St Elizabeths Church held a Creation Day Mass as part of our Live Simply commitment and in response to Pope Francis call to care for creation and the environment we will live.
To this end the Youth Group were instrumental in setting it all up organising the whole Mass with a banner stating Care for Creation our Common Home and another one called Global Healing. We also decided to have a Harvest Festival with donated food going to the Peace House Night Shelter which looks after refugees and Coventry Foodbank. The Mass started with a hymn of St Francis of Assisi. The hymns were all on a theme of Creation. The young people processed to the altar with various flowers, fruit. One of the altar servers spoke about our responsibility for the environment we live in and how our activities were causing pollution.
During the Service the little church sang “If I were a Butterfly” and towards the end of the service there was a film showing called “Heal The World” with this song while that was being played all the youngsters processed towards the alter with the food that was donate