Our Lady of the Angels
Archdiocese of Birmingham information link
Rev. Fr. Jimmy Lutwama AJ fr.jimmy.lutwama@rcaob.org.uk
Rev Mr Michael Skidmore dcn.michael.skidmore@rcaob.org.uk
Address: Coton Rd, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5UA
telephone: 024 76382139 email: oloangels.nuneaton@rcaob.org.uk website: www.ourladyoftheangels.co.uk
Schools in the Parish:
Our Lady of the Angel and St Joseph Catholic Academy, Riversley Park, Coton Road, Nuneaton, CV11 5TY.
telephone: 024 76383807 email: admin3584@welearn365.com website http://olstjacademy.co.uk