Men’s Rosary in Birmingham. Saturday 22nd February 12.00pm – Chamberlain Square, Birmingham, by the fountain. We are called to be a shining light in the darkness and to be a witness to all nations. Join a growing movement of men who peacefully go into the heart of Birmingham and kneel down in front of a statue of Our Lady to pray for our city, nation, and for men to live out their God given vocation as protector, defender and servant. For more information contact Ben – 07885505116 Also see the poster in the porch.
Charis – Every Fourth Friday of month 6-8pm Corpus Christi Church. Next Charis evening is Friday 28th February.
Young Adults Group Meetings at St Osburg’s 7pm to 9pm. Meeting dates: 11th March, 8th April, 13th May, 17th June. To find out more please email Fr Benedict
Lenten sessions on ‘Pilgrims of hope on the synodal pathway’. Pope Francis said, “It is precisely the path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium”. This Lent, you are invited to explore with others what it means to be a pilgrim of hope making this synodal journey and what significance the current Jubilee Year has in deepening our understanding of the working of the Holy Spirit at this time in our history. This faith exploration will take place over four Monday evening sessions at St Osburg’s Parish Hall on 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st March 2025. Sessions will run from 7.00pm to 8.30pm.
Please register your interest in these sessions, by contacting one of the following: Barbara McGowan – 07528 644617, Paschal Somers – 07403 625292.
Members of the LGBTQ+ Monthly meeting to support and accompany 18+ LBGTQ+ Catholics, family members, and friends in a safe and respectful setting. Next meeting 7:00pm date tba at 13 Stoney Road, CV1 2NP. For details contact Dcn Leo 024 7641 9731 Facebook link: The next meeting will be on Sunday 16th March at 7.00pm.
Monthly Solemn Evensong and Benediction @ All Souls. One Wednesday evening a month at All Souls, Kingsland Avenue, there is a service of Solemn Evensong and Benediction at 7pm, a beautiful liturgy of scripture, psalms, prayer and hymnody. Please join us to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. The service is followed by a bring and Share supper in the parish room. Next date: Wednesday 19th March. See poster for more dates link.
Retreat Day for Eucharistic Ministers: Sat March 22nd 2025 at 9:30am – 1pm St Thomas More.
On the first Thursday of every month at St Elizabeth Eld Rd we have an adoration and blessing service from 7.30 pm – 8.30pm. We started it this year as part of our Eucharistic journey. The service takes the form of adoration of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. We say the evening prayer of the Church in prayer, song and silent contemplation. Instead of a General Blessing we invite individuals to approach the Blessed Sacrament and ask for His Blessing. While this takes place we pray the Rosary and sing hymns as necessary.
All night adoration. Christ the King have established the practice of monthly all night adoration. It is a beautiful time of silent prayer in church and we are grateful for the good numbers who have supported this initiative. Moving forward, the adoration will be linked to the First Friday and First Saturdays devotion. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 7.30pm on the First Friday of each month, and Christ the King Church will be open for silent prayer until 6am on Saturday morning (access via the carpark side door). Confessions will be available between 7.30pm and 9pm.
Knights of St Columba meet every third Monday of each Month at Christ the King at 7pm. For more information on Joining contact Peter on 07565 966103.
THANKSGIVING MASS FOR MARRIAGE: Anyone who is due to celebrate a significant wedding anniversary, is engaged to be married this year or who would simply like to give thanks to God for their marriage is invited to a Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday 3rd May at St Chad’s Cathedral celebrated by Bishop Richard Walker. Please email for more information.