
Welcome to the Coventry and Nuneaton Catholic Deanery website

On this site you will find contact details and links to websites for all the Catholic Parish’s in the Deanery, together with Mass times and  details of our Catholic Schools.   The Coventry and Nuneaton Deanery is one of  eleven deaneries which make up the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham.  The various churches in the deanery are shown below on this Google map. Some facts about the Deanery  link

Coventry & Nuneaton Deanery eNewsletter sign up form

Map of the Churches in Deanery

Saint Volodymyr the Great (Coventry) link

Saint Volodymyr newsletter: Coventry & Midlands church service schedule February 2024   Donate


14 July: All Souls & Coventry Ordinariate (Coventry) as140724, Christ the King (Coventry) ctk140724, Corpus Christi with St Anne (Coventry) , Holy Family (Coventry) hf140724, Our Lady of the Assumption & St John Vianney (Coventry) olac140724, Our Lady of the Angels (Nuneaton) olan140724, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (Bulkington) and St Francis of Assisi (Bedworth) hf140724, Sacred Heart (Coventry) sh140724, St Anne (New Arley) & St Joseph (Nuneaton) sasj140724, St Benedict (Atherstone) , St Elizabeth (Coventry) se140724, St John Fisher (Coventry) sjf140724, Ss Mary & Benedict (Coventry) smb140724, St Osburg (Coventry) so140724, St Patrick  (Coventry) sp140724, St Thomas More  & St Joseph the Worker & Warwick University (Coventry)  stm140724.

Please note Sunday Mass  at St Joseph the Worker from 7th July will begin at the new time of 11.00am.

New – Coventry & Nuneaton Deanery eNewsletter   sign up form

Older newsletters: link.  Sunday Mass timeslink

Centenary Mass at All Souls 2 July 2024 Photos link

All Souls Centenary Celebration Mass

The episcopal ordination of Mgr Timothy Menezes and Canon Richard Walker as auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Birmingham

12noon on Tuesday 16th July at St. Chad’s Cathedral.  Attendance to the Mass is by invitation only but it will be possible to watch the event via the Cathedral livestream https://www.mcn.live/camera/st-chads-cathedral-birmingham.

Centenary Celebration of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary and the Retirement Sister Ruth Kidson at Christ the King 23 June link

Mass of Renewal for Deacons at St Chad’s 8 June 2024 link

Centenary Anniversary at Sacred Heart 9 June 2024 link

Presentation of Benemerenti Medal to Carmel Keane  at Christ the King 2 June 2024 link

What’s on link

Young Adults Group link

Catholic LGBTQ+

Monthly meeting to support and accompany 18+ LBGTQ+ Catholics, their family members, and friends in a safe and respectful setting  at St Patrick’s Church, Deedmore Road, CV2 1EQ. For more information call  024 76 612193 or email  stpatricks.covty@rcaob.org.uk.

Going into Hospital

If you or a relative are going into hospital, please be sure to tell the ward staff you are a Catholic and would like to see the Catholic Chaplain. It’s also helpful to notify the Parish Clergy, so a visit, either by them or the Chaplain can be arranged.

Archdiocese of Birmingham

News: link , Website link, e-newsletter sign up link

Pray As You Go

Pray as You Go a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time.  A new prayer session is produced every day of the working week and one session for the weekend. It is not a ‘Thought for the Day’, a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer. Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection. The style of prayer is based on Ignatian Spirituality. It is produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives, with material written by a number of Jesuits, both in Britain and further afield, and other experts in the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola. Although the content is different every day, it keeps to the same basic format https://pray-as-you-go.org/

The Church’s in the Coventry & Nuneaton Catholic Deanery are part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Registered Charity No. 234216. This website provides Catholic news, and information.